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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Refreshing \Re*fresh"ing\, a. Reviving; reanimating. -- Re*fresh"ing*ly, adv. -- Re*fresh"ing*ness, n.


adv. In a refreshing manner.

  1. adv. in a manner that relieves fatigue and restores vitality; "the air was refreshingly cool" [syn: refreshfully]

  2. in a pleasantly novel manner; "she was refreshingly free from shyness"

Usage examples of "refreshingly".

British career diplomat, Alleyne Fitzherbert, who served as an assistant, struck Adams as refreshingly without airs.

The rice was hot and so was the bowl of delicious stewed tomatoes and two chap atis The water was refreshingly cool and served in a clean glass.

Finally Mary arrives in exotic Bucharest to take up her duties, confident, refreshingly candid-and dangerously innocent.

He could strive for what the Archaicist reviewers called “a refreshingly anachronistic flavor.

He was also, Collard soon learned later, something of a character and refreshingly direct.

I felt the residual heat from our landing through my bootsoles, but the breeze off the lake was refreshingly cool.

The Tynedales appear to have been men of free thought and refreshingly liberal attitudes.

Note the subtle shifts of temporal perspective, and the refreshingly arbitrary substitution of the objective case for the nominative and possessive in pronominal situations.

His attitude toward the Weyr which protected his Holdlands from Thread was refreshingly untainted by invidious reminders of past services.