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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a refreshing drink (=making you feel less tired or hot)
▪ Enjoy a refreshing drink in our lakeside café.
refresh/jog your memory (=help someone to remember something)
▪ Perhaps this photograph will refresh your memory?
▪ All evening I refreshed my memory with theoretical skills on dental mechanics and wrote my job application letter.
▪ I drew the shower curtain and took a look at the fellow, just to refresh my memory.
▪ Because if they don't, let me refresh your memory.
▪ You may also need to refresh your memory before you go to visit somebody.
▪ And likeable Ed Byrne refreshed the memory with a routine more over-exposed than Keith Chegwin's privates.
▪ She arranged a meeting with one of her former mandarins, who was able to refresh her memory on many points.
▪ April's encouraging climate should do much to refresh your memory.
▪ Having eaten, I felt refreshed and calm as I got into bed.
▪ In the sweltering afternoon steam bath it felt refreshing.
▪ I yelled, feeling suddenly refreshed.
▪ A pint of strong black coffee, however, relaxes the system, and soon we feel somewhat refreshed.
▪ A brief nap was enough to refresh him after the flight.
▪ Having eaten, I felt refreshed and calm as I got into bed.
▪ He could have returned refreshed in the morning to kill off the match completely.
▪ Karl von Bruhel awoke feeling calm and refreshed.
▪ She had insisted on coming with me to refresh, so she said, her memory of that ghastly old trout.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Refresh \Re*fresh"\, n. The act of refreshing. [Obs.]


Refresh \Re*fresh"\ (r?*fr?sh"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refreshed (-fr?sht"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refreshing.] [OE. refreshen, refreschen, OF. refreschir (cf. OF. rafraischir, rafreschir, F. rafra?chir); pref. re- re- + fres fresh. F. frais. See Fresh, a.]

  1. To make fresh again; to restore strength, spirit, animation, or the like, to; to relieve from fatigue or depression; to reinvigorate; to enliven anew; to reanimate; as, sleep refreshes the body and the mind.

    Foer they have refreshed my spirit and yours.
    --1 Cor. xvi. 18.

    And labor shall refresh itself with hope.

  2. To make as if new; to repair; to restore.

    The rest refresh the scaly snakes that fol? The shield of Pallas, and renew their gold.

    To refresh the memory, to quicken or strengthen it, as by a reference, review, memorandum, or suggestion.

    Syn: To cool; refrigerate; invigorate; revive; reanimate; renovate; renew; restore; recreate; enliven; cheer.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Old French refreschier "refresh, renew" (12c.; Modern French rafraîchir), from re- "again" (see re-) + fresche "fresh" (Modern French frais), from a Germanic source (such as Old High German frisc "fresh," see fresh (adj.)). Related: Refreshed; refreshing.


n. 1 The periodic energize required to maintain the contents of computer memory, the display luminance of a computer screen, etc. 2 (context computing English) The update of a display (in a web browser or similar software) to show the latest version of the dat

  1. v

  2. 1 To renew or revitalize. 2 (context computing English) To reload a document and show any new changes, especially a webpage on the internet. 3 (context computing English) To cause (a web browser or similar software) to refresh its display. 4 To perform the periodic energize required to maintain the contents of computer memory, the display luminance of a computer screen, et

  1. v. refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the test" [syn: review, brush up]

  2. make (to feel) fresh; "The cool water refreshed us" [syn: freshen]

  3. become or make oneself fresh again; "She freshened up after the tennis game" [syn: freshen, refreshen, freshen up]

  4. make fresh again [syn: freshen, refreshen] [ant: tire]


Refresh may refer to:

  • Refresh rate, the rate at which a display illuminates
  • Meta refresh, an HTML tag
  • Memory refresh, reading and writing to the same area of computer memory
  • Refreshable Braille display, a device for blind computer users
  • USS Refresh (AM-287), an Admirable-class minesweeper built for the U.S. Navy during World War II
  • Refresh UK, a brewing business started in 2000
Refresh (EP)

Refresh is the third mini album by South Korean girl group, CLC released on February 29, 2016. It was CLC's first release as a seven-member group. They promoted the single "High Heels".

Usage examples of "refresh".

Around them, the crowd was beginning to thin a bit, but still Kindred hobnobbed, paid respects to Prince Benison, and refreshed themselves sipping from the two vessels that Alex Horndiller escorted as they became less stable on their feet from loss of blood.

Softened up and spoonfed by these glutinous blurbs, the actors then fell refreshed into the carping, spite-crammed dialogue, which gave them the chance to express their real feelings about each other.

We changed horses every two or three hours, and the chamberlain having brought plenty of wine we refreshed ourselves now and again.

Since he had made good time, the Extinguisher had time to refresh his battle memory regarding the foe he sought.

Or are we basically a society of serial monogamists with a fundamental need to refresh our love lives periodically?

I took off the brown mantle and my guild cloak, put my boots on a stool near the brazier, and stood beside him to dry my breeches and hose, asking if all those who came this way on monomachy stopped to refresh themselves with him.

A chilly dampness hung in the air, but Paul found it refreshing after the mustiness of the cellar.

This, beyond question, the band would follow, but inside of half an hour Ronicky estimated that his mount, refreshed by her food and rest, would outfoot them sufficiently to make it safe to drop back into the better road without being in danger of meeting the four.

So we set the pedometer and then stretched away on an easy, regular stride, down through the cloven forest, drawing in the fragrant breath of the morning in deep refreshing draughts, and wishing we might never have anything to do forever but walk to Oppenau and keep on doing it and then doing it over again.

Primary Healing Hall, Aunt Pratty had murmured a cosmetic refreshing spell that tidied her clothes and hair and erased tear tracks.

Thant Myint-U is worth noting for its discussion of the Anglo-Burmese wars, a refreshing reanalysis of many opinions long held by historians, as well as by characters in my book.

More than this, she has welcomed to Coole Park many a worker in the movement, who in the comfort of a holiday there has been refreshed by the gray and green land so near the sea and reinspired by the contact with that Irish Ireland so close to her doors.

The intellect expends the energy of the sensorial centers, induces fatigue and suffering, whereas the animal faculties overcome the vigils of thought, and produce refreshing slumber.

Next morning, washed and refreshed, Spandrel felt his fragile confidence return.

The irrepressible Bloom, who also had a shrewd suspicion that the old stager went out on a manoeuvre after the counterattraction in the shape of a female who however had disappeared to all intents and purposes, could by straining just perceive him, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the piers and girders of the Loop line rather out of his depth as of course it was all radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved.