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vb. To flood again.

Usage examples of "reflood".

And whether or not we manage to unblock this spring, reflood the Lake and find this missing Zeherah, thought Belial, at least the attempt will keep the men fit and busy.

Ogden and Veremund wandered off, discussing the reflooding of the Lake of Life in excited whispers.

If the Lake is reflooded, then Sigholt will be all but impregnable except to Gorgrael himselfand even he would hesitate to ask for entry at the Keep's gates.

If the Lake is reflooded, then Sigholt will be all but impregnable except to Gorgrael himself - and even he would hesitate to ask for entry at the Keep's gates.

On Io, in a century, much of the surface should be reflooded, filled in or washed away by new volcanic flows.