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reflex response

n. The outcome carried out by the motor effector as a result of the reflex arc.

Usage examples of "reflex response".

However, in many cases, the sensation that brings about the response is also shunted into an ascending tract and brought to the cerebrum, where it is then experienced as an ordinary sensation, usually after the reflex response is complete.

Pubic hair is there for a purpose - to concentrate a sexually exciting odour and provoke a reflex response.

It was a purely reflex response, and of a power that caused the sound to reverberate up and down the cinderblocked hallway like some charged subatomic particle in an accelerator.

For this to work, he needed the patrol car so close there was room only for reflex response.

Simon tried punching him in the side instead, and in a reflex response, Ray brought a knee up from amid the tangle.

Drawing a slender, wicked-looking knife from somewhere within his jerkin, he peeled back one of the Purple Man's eyelids, clearly checking reflex response.

Even though it was not a 'command', a true 'command' could have provoked almost exactly the same sort of reflex response.

Selar was unable to contain her reflex response, and Xyon's eyes fluttered open.

The President blinked in puzzlement and the reflex response of fear.

They'd done a reasonable job at the clinic but the nurse had been a real bitch and I'd finally got out of the place at dawn this morning, down the fire escape: they'd kept me for more than five hours and wanted to make a lot of tests because there'd been a head injury and they weren't satisfied with the reflex response.

It was a reflex response, and while I was admiring it he added, 'You took a chance putting Frank into that job, Bret, and you did it with half the Department heads telling you it would be a disaster.