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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reestablish \Re`["e]s*tab"lish\ (r?`?s*t?b"l?sh), v. t. To establish anew; to fix or confirm again; to restore; as, to re["e]stablish a covenant; to re["e]stablish health.


alt. (context transitive English) To restore to a previously operational state. vb. (context transitive English) To restore to a previously operational state.


v. bring back into original existence, use, function, or position; "restore law and order"; "reestablish peace in the region"; "restore the emperor to the throne" [syn: restore, reinstate]

Usage examples of "reestablish".

Simultaneous with the land offensive, the plan called for the British to reestablish naval control of the Bay of Bengal, retake the Andaman Islands and carry out a landing at Rangoon.

Soka Kyoiku Gakkai was reestablished as Soka Gakkai, Omotekyo as Aizenen, Tenri Hondo as Honmichi.

Many of the towns have already reestablished a meritocratic aristocracy.

In another of its efforts toward reestablishing a milieu of scholastic tranquillity after decades of chaos and war, Munchen University had recently introduced gowns and mortarboards for both staff and students to wear for major interviews and other important occasions.

Sir David had reestablished himself as a legend once again, and we all knew our safety depended on his experience.

The first time that Constantine honored the senate with his presence, he recapitulated his own services and exploits in a modest oration, assured that illustrious order of his sincere regard, and promised to reestablish its ancient dignity and privileges.

Though their leader had been slain, Shakti planned to reestablish ties with the band, for they were valuable in bringing both information and merchandise from the surface lands.

Interview between the two Emperors at Tilsit,--Silesia restored to the Queen of Prussia--Unfortunate situation in Prussia-- Impossibility of reestablishing Poland in 1807--Foundation of the Kingdom of Westphalia--The Duchy of Warsaw and the King of Saxony.

With travel reestablished to France, the government fears that radical ideas will take hold here, so Prinny is even touchier than usual of criticism.

She might claim to be a changed woman, having taken up the Ard Rhys mantle at the behest of Walker Boh, having been given the blessing of Druids dead and gone, and having pledged herself to reestablish the Druid Council as a viable force in the Four Lands.

Clan Gatherings were also a time to reestablish old acquaintances, see relatives from other clans, and exchange gossip and stories that would enliven many a cold winter evening for the next few years.

Fogarty: Tonight, our veedo audience wants to know the answer to a vital question: Is it true that the government is asking those who live in the Stations and Habitats above our fair planet to help us reestablish the Machine Age?

The council of Musician Elders on Vladislovitch, the Musicians own colony world, had decided to send a ship of Musicians back to reestablish Earth.

Since then, however, being occupied by my reestablished Kensington practice and a pleasant if predictable domestic life, I had neither seen nor heard from him.

When everything settled out, his taverna reestablished itself as the highest and his seat the best placed.