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vb. (present participle of reecho English)


adj. (of sounds) repeating by reflection; "a hotel with echoing halls" [syn: echoing(a)]

Usage examples of "reechoing".

The disquiet and consternation he had set up among the brothers would go on echoing and reechoing for some time, while he who had caused it had recoiled into numbness and exhaustion.

As she reached the stairs, she grabbed a handful of skirts and ran down to the hallway, the sound of her footsteps echoing and reechoing up into the rafters.

They were screeching now, their voices echoing and reechoing from the heights about.

The sound of their cutters was almost too high and too low to hear, drilling into my head, echoing and reechoing against the sound of half a thousand other cutters all through the underground.

With the echoing and reechoing of the stones and the rubble they knocked off on their way down, it was impossible to tell how deep the shaft was, but one thing was sure: it was no longer a little dimple.

On the sandy floor beside the river Desidea, on its way east to Lake Falas, the group camped, to be disturbed for much of the night by uncanny hoots and near-human yells, echoing and reechoing through the rocks.