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n. (plural of redroot English)

Usage examples of "redroots".

There was also enough redroot, even though it was almost impossible to keep the meat animals from raiding the garden and nibbling away the tops before the redroots could become mature.

By the time they had finished stuffing themselves with meat, rounds of dark yellow cheese, redroots, bread and soup, the rest of the room was empty.

There her platter was stacked with sliced meat, a dipper of redroots in gravy, a small loaf of bread, and a slice of something that looked like nutbread dipped in honey.

He had brought slices of roast mutton swimming in gravy, redroots mashed with butter, and mushrooms.

Arranha peeled redroots and sliced them for the pot, quietly for once.

Around the edges of the terraces, the redroots and onions made a green fringe against the yellow stubble.