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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Redowa \Red"ow*a\ (r?d"?*?), n. [F., fr. Bohemian.] A Bohemian dance of two kinds, one in triple time, like a waltz, the other in two-four time, like a polka. The former is most in use.


n. A dance of Czech origin with turning, leaping waltz steps.


A redowa (pronounced ) is dance of Czech origin with turning, leaping waltz steps that was most popular in Victorian era European ballrooms.

Usage examples of "redowa".

Her perfumed skirts brushed him as she flew by in the redowa, but she never looked up.

Mink Schottische, I can give you the Beaver Mazurka, the Lynx Lancers, the Chinchilla Polka or the Ermine Redowa.