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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ All the same, Amstrad seems to be an unnecessarily tough test, even for the redoubtable Mr Potter.
▪ He was a redoubtable debater with a caustic tongue in polemics and a nice touch in irony in writing.
▪ It is sponsored by champagne house Veuve Clicquot, founded by the redoubtable Mme Clicquot.
▪ Nevertheless I had a brief affair with the redoubtable Maud.
▪ She was rechristened Nancy Blackett in honour of the redoubtable Amazon pirate who had, in a sense, paid for her.
▪ Smiles all round as Alton men thankfully take possession against the redoubtable ladies.
▪ Then a flaring swish as its propellant ignited, accelerating it helter-skelter accumulating redoubtable kinetic energy.
▪ Then came the Edrichs and the redoubtable Rought-Roughts.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Redoubtable \Re*doubt"a*ble\ (-?*b'l), a. [F. redoutable, formerly also spelt redoubtable.] Formidable; dread; terrible to foes; as, a redoubtable hero; hence, valiant; -- often in contempt or burlesque. [Written also redoutable.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Old French redoutable (12c.), from redouter "to dread," from re-, intensive prefix, + douter "be afraid of" (see doubt (v.)).


a. Eliciting respect or fear; imposing; awe-inspiring.

  1. adj. inspiring fear; "the formidable prospect of major surgery"; "a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic"- G.H.Johnston; "something unnerving and prisonlike about high gray wall" [syn: formidable, unnerving]

  2. having or worthy of pride; "redoubtable scholar of the Renaissance"; "born of a redoubtable family" [syn: glorious, illustrious, respected]

Usage examples of "redoubtable".

The volume opens with the Normandy invasion, and Churchill recalls with evident admiration and relief the heroic landing of the redoubtable Allied armies as they effect the most remarkable amphibious operation in military history.

How well the English milor had gauged the strange personality of that redoubtable man!

Hick Scorner immediately brings that redoubtable gentleman upon the stage, possibly slightly the worse for liquor, seeing that his first words are those of one on a ship at sea.

His appearance was that of a respectable London vestryman rather than of a most redoubtable soldier with a particularly sinister career behind him.

He had discharged himself without fuss from an Academy for the Sons of Gentlemen in Brno, and from the British public school recommended by his grandmother, the redoubtable Nora Coutts, who lived in a wing of the house drinking Earl Grey tea from Harrods and bullying him about the syntax of the English language.

The one-time mining king, the most redoubtable poker player of Calaveras County, permitted himself a momentary twinkle of his eyes.

The redoubtable Frau Mittelhausen was complaining bitterly about dealing with a few young apprentices at HDG Enterprizes back in Jena.

After one of their successful skirmishes a wounded Missourian wished greatly to see the redoubtable John Brown before he died.

Now, I am sure I cannot say what would have happened, although I am quite certain that Pereira had no stomach for a duel with the redoubtable Retief, a man whose courage was as proverbial throughout the land as was his perfect uprightness of character.

On all sides it was felt that if the redoubtable De Wet could be captured there was every hope that the burghers might discontinue a struggle which was disagreeable to the British and fatal to themselves.

We saw a monitor lying near it, and sought good positions to view this specimen of the redoubtable ironclads of which we had heard and read so much.

Nickel is commonly found in iron meteorites, so that it might be said that that redoubtable alloy nickel-steel is of cosmical invention.

As we approached, the Raiders massed themselves in a strong, heavy line, with the center, against which our advance was moving, held by the most redoubtable of their leaders.

The baron was a gentleman of a fierce and choleric temperament: he was lineally descended from the redoubtable Fierabras of Normandy, who came over to England with the Conqueror, and who, in the battle of Hastings, killed with his own hand four-and-twenty Saxon cavaliers all on a row.

He cried aloud to his comrades looking towards Ascalaphus, Aphareus, Deipyrus, Meriones, and Antilochus, all of them brave soldiers "Hither my friends," he cried, "and leave me not single-handed I go in great fear by fleet Aeneas, who is coming against me, and is a redoubtable dispenser of death battle.