RediRipe is a technology created at the University of Arizona which detects the production of ethylene, a natural ripening hormone, and displaying that detection by means of a color-changing sticker that changes from white to blue. It is usually referred to as the "ripeness sticker." The technology was created in the lab of Phd Mark Riley with substantial advancements being accomplished by Dominic DeCianne. In conjunction with the Eller College of Management's McGuire Entrepreneurship program, this technology is being developed into a viable business that will assist the apple and pear industries in their efforts to improve their efficiency by integrating technology into their age-old processes. Additionally, this technology has potential on other climacteric fruits which emit ethylene as they ripen. This technology received the Arizona Innovation of the Year Award given by AZ Governor Janet Napolitano. In a business plan competition at the #1 nationally ranked University of Arizona McGuire Entrepreneurship Program, the undergraduate business development team of RediRipe won top honors.