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a. Having red hair. alt. Having red hair.

Usage examples of "redhaired".

Bemused, Lallie found her arm taken by the redhaired Scot, as the Marquis bowed and ceded his place beside her.

She had missed another point, but when the small, redhaired boy looked up from the huddle, she gave him a smile and thumbsup as if she had seen the whole thing.

Prominent among these was a bedraggled redhaired giant, hunched over a half-drenched campfire, several of his equally bedraggled lieutenants surrounding him.

Charlie nodded to his friend, promised to call soon, and moved away, frowning at the redhaired girl, and at the empty chair beside her.

At dawn, and from hour to hour throughout the day, I went to see him where he sprawled on a paillasse on the floor, like some redhaired stricken beast, with out-stretched limbs, convulsed by spasms which displaced the dirty blanket that covered him.

Police said the victim, a stunning redhaired former debutante from the exclusive Grosse Pointe area in Michigan, had suffered a single blow from a blunt don't step on that!

Being the man he was, Lapin's interest was focused not on the stunningly beautiful redhaired receptionist sitting behind her glass desk, microskirted legs demurely crossed, nor even on the splendid view to be seen through the picture windows.

Conservatively this redhaired space cadet had just put about $25,000 on the tableĀ—.

I was only once in danger of discovery: one afternoon when Moravik supposed I was playing with the boys and they in turn thought I was safe under her skirts, the redhaired Dinias, my chief tormentor, gave a younger boy such a shove from the roof-tree where they were playing that the 23 latter fell and broke a leg, and set up such a howling that Moravik, running to the scene, discovered me absent and set the palace by the ears.