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n. A style of theatrical makeup in which a white actor reddens the face in order to portray a Native American.


Redface is the term being used by some to describe the wearing of feathers, warpaint, etc. by non-natives which propagate American Indian stereotypes, analogous to the wearing of Blackface. In the early twentieth century, it was often Jewish performers, coping with their own limited access to mainstream society, who adopted blackface or redface. In the early days of television sitcoms, "non-Native sitcom characters donned headdresses, carried tomahawks, spoken broken English, played Squanto at Thanksgiving gatherings, received "Indian" names, danced wildly, and exhibited other examples of representations of redface".

The copying from minority cultures by members of a dominant culture is cultural appropriation, which is not universally viewed as a negative activity with regard to "artistic borrowing". However, redface has been used to describe non-native adoption of indigenous culture, no matter how sympathetic, such as the painters in the Taos Society of Artists during the early 20th Century portraying themselves in their own works wearing native clothing.

While now often associated with the behavior of sports fans for teams with Native American names or mascots, redface also includes other instances such as "Indian" Halloween costumes, or headdresses as a fashion accessory.

Usage examples of "redface".

Now the Rope Makers say the Huntress rules Redface Island—because she's the Descender's daughter, and they want us to forget our Great Mother.

Eutaktos had been so eager to leave Thought that he did not buy provisions for the return to Redface Island.

She says Basias has been to this god's great temple on Redface Island, and that when Eutaktos has sacrificed for me I will have to sleep beside the altar.

Larssen missed his nicotine fix, too, but Redface sounded as though he'd forgive the Lizards anything, up to and including bombing Washington, if they'd only let him have a smoke.

Confused, she was vaguely aware that Shaw was not alone, that a large redfaced man was also present, but it was not until José, behind her, sucked air through his teeth that she registered the fact that both men were holding guns.

The Senator staggered away from it, redfaced and shouting, pointing at Ambassador Humadros.

He'd expected the face of a relieved parent, the fatherly warmth Lee had shared with him since he was a cadet at West Point, the enthusiasm for the return of the favorite son, but he saw instead a hard redfaced anger, a look he'd never seen before, Lee fighting himself to hold it down.

With nimble footwork he kept the trunk between Anna and himself, until at last she stopped, gasping and redfaced, and panted at him, Come out, you yellow-bellied black-faced apology for a blue-testicled baboon!