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red elm
  1. n. autumn-flowering elm of southeastern United States [syn: September elm, Ulmus serotina]

  2. North American elm having rough leaves that are red when opening; yields a hard wood [syn: slippery elm, Ulmus rubra]

Usage examples of "red elm".

Home for the girl, the old man, and the disappearing cat was a pleasant, but very average-looking stone and timber cottage situated in a broad, grass-covered clearing sheltered by centuries-old oak and red elm.

Their home was a stone cottage at the east end of the village sheltered by white oak and red elm and set back against the wall of the forest close by the channel of the river.

It was green and rolling where the cliffs rose above the Rock River, and the thick stands of shagbark hickory, white oak, red elm, and maple predated the coming of the white man into Indian territory.

It was silent as they passed through towering stands of hardwoods-red elm, white and black oak, shagbark hickory, and birch.

They left the trail where it ended and began to snake their way through monstrous fir and spruce, shagbark hickory and white oak, red elm and ash.