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red car

n. 1 (context historical informal English) A streetcar of the former Pacific Electric Railway mass transit system that went all across Greater Los Angeles. 2 (context historical English) The entire now-defunct corporation and system of the Pacific Electric Railway.

Usage examples of "red car".

The night before last I had watched her turn a red car into a black one.

At the Luitpold garage, an elongated Mercedes with a red car phone was parked by the attendant's booth.

These people own a white car and a red car, and these people own a blue car and an orange car.

I was a little conspicuous in my suit, with all my whiteness and big shiny red car, but I wasn't nearly as conspicuous as I'd be sashaying into the Rainbow Room.

The sun was a thin scarlet smudge on the horizon when I got to Barnet, but I was able to spot the yellow bungalow and red car.

The car you're here to examine is a red car, it's out by the shed on the other side of the house.

But it wasnt Renees flashy red car that came into sight around the curve.

Polly's cranberry-red car was at Gippel's garage, being deodorized.

The important thing with women is (a) have a knife in your pocket (b) make sure your hair is combed (c) drive a red car (d) something else.