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recurve bows

n. (plural of recurve bow English)

Usage examples of "recurve bows".

My friend, who gave me the fletching thread, said that the longbow is not as accurate as the recurve bows he and his men carry.

Three mounted men loped their horses after them, shooting methodically at close range with short powerful recurve bows, turning their mounts as nimbly as rodeo cowboys.

Even as the apprentice worked the machinery Ken Larsson had made, Larsson's daughter and Mike Havel drew their recurve bows to the ear.

The great warriors of the Racklands, with their silver letting knives, pale steel, recurve bows, and proudlocks, wasted neither breath nor time on clan.

And as if that were not enough, he saw more riders joining Loris: lightly mounted and armored, but carrying short, deadly little recurve bows.

She looked up to see a band of armed men forcing their horses through the crowd, more of them blocking the exits from the square-stern-looking horse-archers with little recurve bows, each with an arrow knocked to bowstring and more in quivers on their backs.

Archers strapped to the kites and firing powerful recurve bows kept Eros and his men from advancing along the wall walk toward the Gullet Tower.