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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Recuperation \Re*cu`per*a"tion\ (r[-e]*k[=u]`p[~e]r*[=a]"sh[u^]n), n. [L. recuperatio: cf. F. r['e]cup['e]ration.] Recovery, as of anything lost, especially of the health or strength.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 15c., "recovery or regaining of things," from Latin recuperationem (nominative recuperatio) "a getting back, regaining, recovery," noun of action from past participle stem of recuperare "get back, regain, get again," in Medieval Latin "revive, convalesce, recover," related to recipere (see receive). Meaning "restoration to health or vigor" is from 1865.


n. 1 Gradual restoration to health; convalescence. 2 Instance of getting something back. 3 (context sociology English) Process by which radical or subversive ideas are co-opted by mainstream society.


n. gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury [syn: convalescence, recovery]


Recuperation can refer to:

  • Recuperation (recovery), a period of physical or mental recovery
  • Recuperation (politics), a concept in political discussion
  • Convalescence, the gradual recovery of health
  • Recuperation, a process of cultural normalisation in situationist theory
Recuperation (politics)

Recuperation, in the sociological sense, is the process by which politically radical ideas and images are twisted, co-opted, absorbed, defused, incorporated, annexed and commodified within media culture and bourgeois society, and thus become interpreted through a neutralized, innocuous or more socially conventional perspective. More broadly, it may refer to the cultural appropriation of any subversive works or ideas by mainstream culture. It is the opposite of détournement, in which images and other cultural artifacts are appropriated from mainstream sources and repurposed with radical intentions.

The concept in political philosophy of recuperation was first proposed by members of the Situationist International. The term conveys a negative connotation because recuperation generally bears the intentional consequence (whether perceived or not) of fundamentally altering the meanings behind radical ideas due to their appropriation or being co-opted into the dominant discourse.

Usage examples of "recuperation".

Mott observed a growing testiness in the astronaut, and when he reached Houston he suggested that Pope be summoned back from Canaveral and be given some rest and recuperation.

He should have been in the hospital right now, surrounded by state-of-the-art twenty-first-century technology, beginning a program of physiotherapy and recuperation, not stuck in the corner of this stinking tent.

His recuperation required many months, and during those months Lord Pardos and his wife came to add love to the respect they bore him.

In addition to covering hospital and surgical costs, the company also gave paid sick days to employees for recuperation.

During the past two weeks of Joe's recuperation, he had somehow discovered Big Macs and french fries, for which he'd developed a passion.

There was no power of recuperation left, no reserve strength to call upon.

Dax had said that it gave Jibetian rulers longer lives and great powers of recuperation.

Master Oldive, after examining the Harper, lectured them on how to help Robinton in his recuperation.

Looking around him at the dark fastnesses of that fortress, he could only wonder at the human powers of recuperation and the human tendency to make oneself at home.

The Falklands were a group of rocky, wind-swept, treeless islands used by whalers—and those who could not double the Cape—for recuperation, and when the forbidding group hove into view on December 10 they seemed to the bruised missionaries like fragments of Beulah Land, and as soon as the Thetis had anchored in a rocky cove, all hastened to be among the first ashore.

For Geoffrey Niles the trip was rest and recuperation, after starving and freezing for the better part of two months.

And, whether it was some kind of placebo effect, spontaneous healing or remission, or something completely outside Jos's medical experience, the fact was that a Silent's presence at or near a patient's side seemed to speed recuperation.

But a crushed kidney from a kick received on the soccer field plus signs of tuberculosis soon sent him back to Up Park for an extended period of recuperation.

I come here seeking solitude, an oasis for recuperation, and all I get is a jackhammer sinus headache that won't go away.

Bill smarmed insincerely, with visions of weeks of no duty, months of lolling around, years of recuperation.