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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Recrudescent \Re`cru*des"cent\ (-sent), a. [L. recrudescens, -entis, p. pr. of recrudescere to become raw again; pref. re- re- + crudescere to become hard or raw: cf. F. recrudescent.]

  1. Growing raw, sore, or painful again.

  2. Breaking out again after temporary abatement or supression; as, a recrudescent epidemic.


a. 1 breaking out again or reemerging after temporary abatement or suppression 2 (context archaic English) growing raw, sore, or painful again

Usage examples of "recrudescent".

Athos: aconite, resorted to by increasing doses of grains and scruples as a palliative of recrudescent neuralgia: the face in death of a septuagenarian, suicide by poison.

Between these two madnesses is a variety of more dangerous antisexisms, more pernicious because subtler, recrudescent Puritanisms masking themselves under the garbage of trigger rhetorics, the usage of such expressions as 'persons' and such, designed to suppress thought and enforce social conformity.