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n. The motion or position of things that recross; an interweaving. vb. (present participle of recross English)

Usage examples of "recrossing".

The lower subdivided part, called the junk, is one immense honeycomb of oil, formed by the crossing and recrossing, into ten thousand infiltrated cells, of tough elastic white fibres throughout its whole extent.

They were not so great, however, but that his gold reserve was reduced to less than a hundred dollars, counting the silver coinages which had remained to him in crossing and recrossing frontiers.

Monica Mountainway went down it in swinging curves, crossing and recrossing the demarcation line between the burned and the unburned.

Often her efforts took on a strangely surreal quality, as if she wandered back and forth through time as well as space, crossing and recrossing the myriad layerings of the universe on some curious quest whose meaning she only vaguely understood.

Behind, however, it lay open, and within there ran crossings and recrossings of finer wires in incredibly complicated paths.

Some distance below the Seleucian Bridge, they crossed the river by a ferry, and, riding far round on the right bank, and recrossing by another ferry, entered the city from the west.