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Usage examples of "recork".

Or even merely to draw out the rose-opal stopper with which the scholar had inconsiderately recorked it.

When he was done he recorked the phial and set it back on the gleaming disk.

Looking amused, Leia poured her syrupy wine back into the bottle and recorked it.

She quickly recorked the jar, but in an instant the area around both worm raft and dock was enshrouded in thick, wet grayness, effectively rendering both wizard and witch invisible to each other.

He uncorked it and took a long drink, then gave it a long look before shaking his head once again, then absentmindedly recorking it and putting it away without offering Niko a drink.

He pushed it away, and the nursemaid recorked it and replaced it in the holder without a word.

Uncorking the bag, he took a shallow swig of the warm, leather-tasting water, then recorked it and handed the bag down to Walter.

Ryalth uncorks the Alafraan and half fills two goblets, then recorks the bottle.