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vb. (en-past of: reconvene)

Usage examples of "reconvened".

The next day twenty-eight of its members, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee, reconvened as the “late representatives of the people” in the Apollo Room of the Raleigh Tavern, where they adopted a series of resolutions prepared by Washington in which, as a continuation of the policy of nonimportation, they pledged not to purchase any taxed merchandise except paper so long as the Townshend duties remained.

That hearing would have been reconvened and the confirmation withdrawn.

If that hearing was reconvened and Trevayne thrown out, he would have shot off his cannon.

Sulpicius reconvened the Plebeian Assembly and promulgated a third law.

The little groups reconvened themselves, and the idle chitchat of folks waiting against their wishes continued.

After a round of coffee and a phone call Teddy had to take-it was the Vice President-they reconvened their little conference and moved forward.

They slept little, and they were red-eyed and unshaved when they reconvened just after 6 a.

Twenty minutes later they reconvened in Argrow's suite, and they brought with them their collection of files wrapped neatly in a pillowcase.