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n. The act of reconstitute.

Usage examples of "reconstitution".

Some formidable dangers of division arising from the double derivation of the episcopate were happily averted by the tact and statesmanship of Bishop White, and liturgical changes incidental to the reconstitution of the church were made, on the whole with cautious judgment and good taste, and successfully introduced.

The same holds for the reconstitution, which is hardly the natural reformulation of evolution it appears.

Both in the town and in the village the State reigned over loose aggregations of individuals, and was ready to prevent by the most stringent measures the reconstitution of any sort of separate unions among them.

Bowing to the familiar adage Cuilibet In arte sua perito est credendum, we hold the latter result to be an inevitable consequence of such invasion and such subsequent attempt at reconstitution at the hands of those assembled for such purposes in the form of members of the local Fire Department, whose training and talents such as they may be must be found to lie elsewhere, much In the manner of that obituary upon our finest poet of the century wherein one of his purest lines was reconstituted as 'l do not think they will sing to me' by a journalist trained to eliminate on sight the superfluous that.

I had been experimenting with the storage and later reconstitution of DNA segments in the chromosomal introns of an old box tortoise that I had inherited from a previous research worker.

Heather Mallick, The Reconstitution of Monica Lewinsky: Kenneth Starr Violated Every Civil Right She Ever Had.

His body had run through the astonishing liquefication and reconstitution so many times that the process had become routine, even tedious.