Crossword clues for reconstituted
constructed anew v
(en-past of: reconstitute)
Usage examples of "reconstituted".
Portugal were restored under the former ruling families, Holland was enlarged by the former Austrian Netherlands, later to become Belgium, Switzerland was reconstituted, Sweden stayed united with Norway, and since the Pentarchy, the club of five major European powers, was unthinkable without France, the latter was left intact with its 1792 border.
States relax the iron laws by means of which they have broken all bonds between men, these bonds are at once reconstituted, notwithstanding the difficulties, political, economical, and social, which are many, and in such forms as best answer to the modern requirements of production.
Regulations required a light-pump, and reconstituted sunlight sometimes fell from a panel in the ceiling, but he was seldom there during daylight hours.
A thing of random human accretion, monstrous and superb, it is being reconstituted here, retranslated from its later incarnation as a realm of consensual fantasy.
As for nuclear weapons, the intelligence agencies reported that Saddam had the scientists he needed to resume his quest for a nuclear bomb, but Iraq did not appear to have reconstituted its nuclear weapons program.
McKiernan hoped to strengthen his hold with the help of reconstituted Iraqi troops and foreign forces, but they were not available yet.
He spun a wire out of the reconstituted old circuits, connected it to the broken main, and suddenly Phaethon had twice the memory and computer space at his disposal.
Albania should be reconstituted as an independent state, and that Turkey should receive the Dodecanese, with possible adjustments in favour of Greece as regards islands in the Aegean important to Greece.
Armoured Divisions, and you have got to make the best you can of the trained Cavalry Division, which is being reconstituted as an armoured force.
That the Commandos should be reconstituted, as far as possible, by volunteers, by restoring to them any of their former members who may wish to return from the units in which they have been dispersed, and that Brigadier Laycock should have the command and should be appointed Director of Combined Operations.
Or in the reconstituted families after divorce and remarriage, the offenders had their sibling order changed because of the new stepbrothers and stepsisters.
She had even been able to make a joke of the farcical possibilities of her hoovering if, as the Bible promised, our bodies were reconstituted on Judgment Day.
Slipins had damped it out in favour of more conventional flight-and-fight scenarios and reconstituted gibberish from the memories of my own overlaid consciousness.
Jenny ripped away the conditioning with her esp, undid the neural connections and reconstituted the damaged brain tissues, returning the maids to who they had been before Lionstone took them to be her slaves.