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vb. (present participle of reconquer English)

Usage examples of "reconquering".

Thinking only of the immediate task of reconquering our ancient homeland, and holding it from the Malwa.

Especially if Kungas succeeds in reconquering the lands of the former Kushan empire, where the Ye-tai once had their stronghold.

We weren't quite ready to commence reconquering the United States, and we wanted all surviving factions to be as disorganized as possible to prevent them unifying against us.

So the trunks stayed where they were and Petra Cotes set about reconquering the husband by sharpening the only weapons that his daughter could not use on him.

The French would defend the country, reconquering, besides the lost territories, but the Cossacks — of whom so many were speaking but so few had seen — were going to give the death blow.

He didn't know what part of those resources the Empire had committed or would commit to reconquering the northlands, but he'd find out soon enough.

They've finished reconquering most of north India, although they're apparently plagued with rebellions.