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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reconnaissance \Re*con"nais*sance\, Reconnoissance \Re*con"nois*sance\(r?-k?n"n?s-s?ns), n. [F. See Recognizance.] The act of reconnoitering; preliminary examination or survey. Specifically:

  1. (Geol.) An examination or survey of a region in reference to its general geological character.

  2. (Engin.) An examination of a region as to its general natural features, preparatory to a more particular survey for the purposes of triangulation, or of determining the location of a public work.

  3. (Mil.) An examination of a territory, or of an enemy's position, for the purpose of obtaining information necessary for directing military operations; a preparatory expedition.

    Reconnoissance in force (Mil.), a demonstration or attack by a large force of troops for the purpose of discovering the position and strength of an enemy.


n. (context dated English) (alternative spelling of reconnaissance English)

Usage examples of "reconnoissance".

Luchs and his observer were returning from an aerial reconnoissance when they were overtaken and attacked by a fast French aeroplane.

Guards, which does scouting, patrol, and reconnoissance duty in areas prescribed by the Brigadier.

We are not making a reconnoissance in force, still less advancing with the main column.

He had made reconnoissance of the gulf behind Newfoundland and returned for fresh means of farther quest toward Cathay.

One notice occurred in the newspapers, in which Volunteer Sir Philip Forester was mentioned as having been intrusted with a dangerous reconnoissance, which he had executed with the greatest courage, dexterity, and intelligence, and received the thanks of the commanding officer.

I therefore concluded to despatch a reconnoissance in force, under Lieutenant-Colonel Burke, Eleventh Infantry, to harass the enemy and to retard its progress in every way.

Colonie a une tres-parfaite reconnoissance des bons offices que ces pauvres malheureux ont recu de vous et de vos peuples.

In connection with these peat investigations, a reconnoissance survey has been made of the peat deposits of the Atlantic Coast.

The scout of the buzzard flock had made his reconnoissance and by settling had signaled back his message.

Davies, I wish now that I had made a reconnoissance before venturing out so boldly.

French organization of ten trawlers set out from Malta to make a preliminary reconnoissance around Corfu, to drag for mines and to clear out the submarines.

Cary Singleton launched it, and, accompanied by two men, made the reconnoissance which so much frightened the gossipping laundresses.

He has reduced the proudest cavalry to second place in the matter of reconnoissance, and has rendered services which have heretofore been impossible.

A visual reconnoissance of the ground immediately in front of me to the south showed, within reach, the stump of a sapling.

North Dome, any one of which might have been excavated into a commodious church, and discovering, for the pains cost by a reconnoissance of five miles, some of the loveliest shady stretches of singing water and some of the finest minor waterfalls in our American scenery.