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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Recompose \Re`com*pose"\ (-p?z"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recomposed (-p?zd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Recomposing.] [Pref. re- + compose: cf. F. recomposer.]

  1. To compose again; to form anew; to put together again or repeatedly.

    The far greater number of the objects presented to our observation can only be decomposed, but not actually recomposed.
    --Sir W. Hamilton.

  2. To restore to composure; to quiet anew; to tranquilize; as, to recompose the mind.
    --Jer. Taylor.


vb. to compose again

Usage examples of "recompose".

Madame Chamont, who, from the hints dropped in the letter, too well guessed the cause, after a fruitless attempt to recompose her feelings, inquired tremulously if they had arrived too late?

This visionary address was so deeply impressed upon my mind, that it was long before I could recompose my spirits, or convince myself it was but a dream.

As I pried my eyelids open, trying to recompose myself, I saw my friends sitting quite still, looking at me with goofy smiles.

Smoothing her dampened hair from her face, he watched as she tried to recompose her shattered self.

She had gone there to be alone and recompose herself after yet another acrimonious meeting of the eleven-person UN Farside delegation, which had gotten nowhere.

She is not possible that alive burning bridges instead of trying to recompose them.

As I recomposed myself, I saw that Marcus was now looking down at the floor.

He borrowed some of the most pitiful traits from reality, and recomposed them into a regular nightmare.

The materials for such visionary Edens have evidently been accumulated from direct experience, but they are recomposed by him into such scenes as never had mortal eye beheld.

He seemed to have recomposed himself and was apparently far from conceding defeat yet.

Abbess, who soon learned the cause of my sorrow, assisted, with the utmost kindness and attention, in the recomposing of my spirits.

Its scope, the depth of the strata it has affected, all the positivities it has succeeded in disintegrating and recomposing, the sovereign power that has enabled it, in only a few years, to traverse the entire space of our culture, all this could be appraised and measured only after a quasi-infinite investigation concerned with nothing more nor less than the very being of our modernity.

I returned to the foothills of Mount Chimera, spent three days resting and recomposing myself.

These words had much power, for they rendered mute and attentive all the royal personages, who, with very various sentiments, set about recomposing at the same time the mysteries which the young had not seen, and which the old had believed to be forever effaced.

His method is to use pure prismatic colors on the principle that color is light in a decomposed form, and that its proper juxtaposition on canvas will recompose into pure light again.