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vb. (en-third-person singular of: recommend)

Usage examples of "recommends".

Every practicing physician has his favorite remedies, which he oftenest recommends or uses, because he has the greatest confidence in their virtues.

Ammianus Marcellinus, who terminates his useful work with the defeat and death of Valens, recommends the more glorious subject of the ensuing reign to the youthful vigor and eloquence of the rising generation.

The measures which Synesius recommends, are the dictates of a bold and generous patriot.

To the impudent and inhuman Leo, more guilty than a heretic, he recommends peace, silence, and implicit obedience to his spiritual guides of Constantinople and Rome.

However, when Tom grew up, and gave tokens of that gallantry of temper which greatly recommends men to women, this disinclination which she had discovered to him when a child, by degrees abated, and at last she so evidently demonstrated her affection to him to be much stronger than what she bore her own son, that it was impossible to mistake her any longer.

The fifth resolution recommends that a Whig candidate for Congress be run in every district, regardless of the chances of success.

The sixth resolution recommends the adoption of the convention system for the nomination of candidates.

The seventh resolution recommends the holding of district conventions in May next, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Congress.

He accompanies this bill with a report, in which last he expressly recommends that the Missouri Compromise shall neither be affirmed nor repealed.

The views presented by the Postmaster-General on the subject of special grants by the Government in aid of the establishment of new lines of ocean mail steamships and the policy he recommends for the development of increased commercial intercourse with adjacent and neighboring countries should receive the careful consideration of Congress.

Her majesty therefore recommends it to the house, to consider such measures as may be submitted to them for that purpose.

The congress recommends all the friends of peace to prepare public opinion, in their respective countries, for the formation of a congress of nations, whose sole object should be to frame a code of international laws, and to constitute a supreme court, to which should be submitted all questions relating to the rights and reciprocal duties of nations.

The congress recommends all its members to endeavour to eradicate from the minds of all in their respective countries, both by means of a better education of youth, and by other methods, those political prejudices and hereditary hatreds which have so often been the cause of disastrous wars.

Uniform Code of Military Justice recommends that in felony cases, the investigating officer be a major or higher rank.

The king likewise recommends it to the commissioners to inquire and examine, whether a greater freedom of trade, and an exemption from the restraint of exclusive companies, would not be beneficial.