The Collaborative International Dictionary
Recommend \Rec`om*mend"\ (r?k`?m*m?nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recommended; p. pr. & vb. n. Recommending.] [Pref. re- + commend: cf. F. recommander.]
To commend to the favorable notice of another; to commit to another's care, confidence, or acceptance, with favoring representations; to put in a favorable light before any one; to bestow commendation on; as, he recommended resting the mind and exercising the body.
M[ae]cenas recommended Virgil and Horace to Augustus, whose praises . . . have made him precious to posterity.
--Dryden. -
To make acceptable; to attract favor to.
A decent boldness ever meets with friends, Succeeds, and e'en a stranger recommends.
--Pope. -
To commit; to give in charge; to commend.
Paul chose Silas and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God.
--Acts xv. 40.
vb. (present participle of recommend lang= en)
Usage examples of "recommending".
I take great pleasure in making my cure public and in highly recommending this Institution to all afflicted.
We have treated many thousands of cases with uniform success, and our patients write to us expressing the greatest degree of satisfaction, and recommending our method most highly.
I take pleasure in recommending your institution to the afflicted, believing that you have the very best treatment for chronic diseases known, and I have had an opportunity to satisfy myself, from conversation with other invalids in your Institution, of the care and skillful treatment that you administer, and its excellent effects.
Now, I take great pleasure in recommending your medicines to suffering humanity everywhere.
I take great pleasure in recommending to the public your system of home-treatment for chronic diseases.
Hotel and Surgical Institute, that I take the greatest pleasure in recommending all the afflicted to this famous Institution.
I take great pleasure in recommending your remedies to suffering women.
By recommending you to others suffering as I did, I hope to assist in your honorable work.
I take great pleasure in recommending you whenever I get a chance, and cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me.
I take pleasure in recommending your Institution to all sufferers and know that it is in every respect just as claimed to be.
I take pleasure in recommending your place to any suffering from Hydrocele.
I take pleasure in recommending the Institute to all who are in need of help.
I take pleasure in highly recommending the Institution to all the afflicted.
This dangerous honor was declined by the more prudent successor of Gregory, who alleged the schism of the church, and the duties of his pastoral office, recommending to the faithful, who were disqualified by sex or profession, by age or infirmity, to aid, with their prayers and alms, the personal service of their robust brethren.
Athens the glory of first instituting and recommending the alwnaskai ta aqla megistamh monon tacous kai rwmhs, alla kai logwn kai gnwmhs.