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vb. To (l en circulate) again.

Usage examples of "recirculate".

There was much muscle wastage, there was fluid in the lungs, her pericardial sac was enlarged, and she was suffering from Dry Lung Syndrome, presumably caused by the low-pressure recirculated air of your spacecraft.

It felt vaguely like holding my hand against a recirculating outlet in a swimming poolit was a tenuous thing, that felt like it might easily slide to one side.

Inside the cave, hooked up to its well-maintained diagnostics systems and its recirculating routines, lay one of the stainless-steel-and-Plexiglas deepsleep chambers he had long ago taken from the original colony ship.

To the left was a freestanding food pantry with a microwave, and to the right was a toilet, an exercise treadmill, and a deep clear pool of constantly recirculating water.

The heater kicked in with an angry growl and blasted hot, dry air, recirculating the aroma of stale smoke.

The air had the familiar scent of one of the long-abandoned, buried redoubts, air that had been refiltered and recirculated countless times for the past century.

So those other names, on the bills which went through Citibank and Leumi, had to have been put on earlier and the bills recirculated, probably through American-Amazonas too.

Lydia looked at the recirculated joint and stubbed it out on the balustrade.

It took about seven minutes for all of the blood in a typical person's body to recirculate, so after this interval the cookie-cutters would be randomly distributed throughout the victim's organs and limbs.

After that there had been months of waiting, then six months of training, study, simulators, tests, exercises, presentations-all so she could live hundreds of miles above the earth's surface, breathing recirculated air, eating irradiated food, drinking chemically produced water and coping with microgravity.

It was a world away from the intellectual puzzles, recirculated air, and replicated food that comprised life on a Starship.

People had been here earlier -- the tiled floor was puddled, there were towels and bits of swimming costumes scattered around, and a welter of pool-side-safe plastic flutes stood or lay by champagne buckets on the tables or had fallen to the pretend-grass floor -- but the place was quiet and empty now and the waters lay level, undisturbed by even the slightest ripple now that the recirculating pumps had been switched off.

A hot-water and a chill-water pipe poked up through the concrete floor and entered a thermostated fan unit that recirculated room air.

Here was the sick bay, Doctor Tau's surgery and laboratory, and the hydro, the large chamber housing the plants that replenished a starship's oxygen, scrubbed the waste products of respiration from the continuously recirculated air, and supplied as a by-product fruits and vegetables to vary the otherwise monotonous diet of concentrates that was the nearly perpetual lot of space hounds who ranged the vast reaches between the stars.