Crossword clues for recircle
vb. To circle again.
Usage examples of "recircle".
Each leaving behind the echo of their flying, a sound to encircle, recircle the earth in the winds and speak again in other years to the sons of the sons of their sons, asleep but hearing the restless midnight sky.
It took me a few moments to circle and recircle his body - I had to half-lift him off the floor - and I bound him in a sticky cocoon.
It took me a few moments to circle and recircle his body-I had to half-lift him off the floor-and I bound him in a sticky cocoon.
He unhitched his blaster and blaster strap and recircled it about his naked waist.
Frustrated, I recircled the lagoon and pulled in behind a two-winged structure wrapped by an enormous porch.
Their lives are interconnected like thorny vines forever circling and recircling the same tree.
They held their breath, charmed into silence, too, their senses drawn out after the notes, far from the city, and farther still from the foreign singer, floating with the quiet waters which had grown into the cosmic flood of Oceanus, circling and recircling the world.
He unhitched his blaster and blaster strap and recircled it about his naked waist.