Crossword clues for rechristen
vb. christen again
Usage examples of "rechristen".
Square had been rechristened in hopes of attracting a new clientele for the new years.
It was a sobering reflection for human beings to realize that the so-called Heechee Heaven, later rechristened the S.
Three months later the space probe, rechristened Sita, was launched from Phobos, the inner moon of Mars.
The family had not corrected them: Nance they had been rechristened and Nance they had remained.
She had already changed herself and she had changed her name and the sound of her rechristening was: Latisha Charlemagne.
Owen had been at that meeting, but failed to mention this when he presented a report of his own to the Royal Society—in which, not incidentally, he rechristened the creature Belemnites owenii in his own honor.
After the Imperials have taken control of the planet, the ship, now in a standard orbit, is rechristened Pelagia's Moon and used as a space station, though the nobility of Pelagon still desire to one day fix the ship / station and make it the flagship of a Pelagian battle fleet once again.
Potokomik had been rechristened by a Hudson's Bay Company agent “Kenneth,” and Kumuk, in like manner, had had the name of “George" bestowed upon him, but Iksialook bad been overlooked or neglected in this respect, and his brain was not taxed with trying to remember a Christian cognomen that none of his people would ever call or know him by.
He marries but the one wife, uses the Protestant Bible, observes Protestant forms of worship, forbids the use of liquor and tobacco, practises adult baptism by immersion, and after every public sin, rechristens the backslider.