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vb. (present participle of recheck English)

Usage examples of "rechecking".

She wanted to be mistaken, to have misplaced, miscounted the essentially interchangeable stock, but knew at once that no amount of wishful thinking, checking, rechecking the shelves, could erase the stubborn fact of loss gaping up at her from the mockingly vacant slots of the gem trays.

Some of the more difficult calculations involved rechecking calibrations on the electronic gear, which required the help of crew work parties.

Back came whole Himalayas of completed lists for checking, recopying, rechecking, review and countersigning once again.

When he and Nangi had parted company hi the Akihabara, he had spent the next forty-five minutes checking and rechecking the vicinity in ever-expanding squares that eventually took in the entire district.

He did have his job to do, rechecking fuel and winds and other technical data necessary for the successful flight of a commercial airliner, all the things the passengers never saw, assuming that the flight crew just showed up and turned it on as though it were a taxicab.

Rechecking the battery connections and fiddling with the adjustment knobs failed to remedy the situation.

Finally, after rechecking chamber on the M-16, I sat on the fuel can for a minute or two longer, mentally adjusting and tuning myself in to the new environment.

Reese had spent more time in this hole than anyone, had directed the placing of the powder kegs, and even through the hot night had been deep inside, checking and rechecking the fuse.

After much calculation, checking, and rechecking, I decided that today was Oc in the tzolkin or sacred almanac, the fourth day of Cumku, the last month in the haab or vague year.