vb. To channel in a new or different way
Usage examples of "rechannel".
But while all of us out there are breaking our collective backs just so our sons may see a better world, the Technos divert a portion of the prodticts and rechannel it back into the country itself.
Vaguely he realized that Marguerida was using her own heartbeat to regularize his, that she was using her own matrix to rechannel his energy.
With the demand down he was able to rechannel the drive and the affected area returned to normal.
She looked calmer, but she definitely needed to rechannel her thoughts.
Twice it had given way, and despite reinforcements and governmental assurances to the contrary, her grandfather 80 had maintained that it would go again unless someone found a way to rechannel some of the spring floodwaters into separate tributaries.
The effort that will flow from the resurrected spirit of the people and directed at the ship to make it their escape hatch, must be covertly rechanneled back into the body of the nation proper.
The wide hall had held a river many thousands of sleepings ago, but some race had rechanneled the water miles back to form the Sea of Ghosts.
All industries still operational were rechanneled for Soviet purposes.
He could just about remember how this part of Sanctuary had looked before the Great Flood rechanneled the White Foal River.
Sivrak activated the diagnostics, rechanneled auxiliary power, and closed his wings for increased etheric stability.
Alert sirens blared, and bridge lights dimmed momentarily as power was rechanneled to the defense systems.
Worf rechanneled more auxiliary power to the amplifiers of the subspace transceivers.
The most effective strategy for rechanneling that energy consists of six elements that interplay with one another.
You remember the archived two10 D material that he started rechanneling a while back?
The Terraforming Center, of course, its powerful force field generators at work, quite literally straining to turn the wind around, struggling to rechannel the planetary airflows into new and more beneficial patterns.