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n. 1 A challenge made in return. 2 (context medicine pharmacology English) The event of a rechallenge as above. vb. 1 To challenge again. 2 To challenge in return. 3 (context medicine pharmacology English) To try a therapeutic pharmaceutical drug, suspected allergen, or medical treatment on a patient a second or subsequent time, to see if the suspected effects of the treatment occur again. This is typically performed to confirm allergic or adverse reactions to allergens or medications, but may also be used to confirm beneficial treatments or to retry a probable beneficial treatment which did not appear to be effective previously.

Usage examples of "rechallenge".

Did Kovonov seriously mean to ignore his question and rechallenge for the championship?

By the time he arrived on the scene, he was thinking more of getting back to Unreal Tournament and rechallenging SCREAMER than yelling at the person who'd violated his domain.