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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Recant \Re*cant"\ (r[-e]*k[a^]nt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Recanting.] [L. recantare, recantatum, to recall, recant; pref. re- re- + cantare to sing, to sound. See 3d Cant, Chant.] To withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly (opinions formerly expressed); to contradict, as a former declaration; to take back openly; to retract; to recall.

How soon . . . ease would recant Vows made in pain, as violent and void!

Syn: To retract; recall; revoke; abjure; disown; disavow. See Renounce.


vb. (present participle of recant English)

Usage examples of "recanting".

For example, General Trimble, captured fighting us at Gettysburg, is, without recanting his treason, a legal voter by the laws of Maryland.

My hyperactive classroom screams out its answers, constantly recanting, amending, reaffirming, anything but silent and archived, fired by the same single fact that keeps me revising.