Crossword clues for recado
Recado is the fourth album by singer-songwriter Vince Bell. It was released on May 8, 2007. According to Bell: "Recado is a collection of messages that wind like a long dirt road through the years of my writing. There's the first song I wrote after moving to Austin, written on a whore-house piano that writer-friendly Strait Music sold me for 150 bucks--delivered. There's one about taking chances in Berkeley while I collaborated with Bob Neuwirth on my first album, Phoenix. Two are from the high desert south of Santa Fe, New Mexico where you can see for a hundred miles. I also chose a masterful one from Townes. Altogether they portray at least a couple of lifetimes of lyric like I like it, with music that says the same thing."
Usage examples of "recado".
The BOLAS consists of three balls fastened together by a strap of leather, attached to the front of the RECADO.