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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reassimilate \Re`as*sim"i*late\ (r[=e]`[a^]s*s[i^]m"[i^]*l[=a]t), v. t. & i. To assimilate again. -- Re`as*sim`i*la"tion (r[=e]`[a^]s*s[i^]m"[i^]*l[=a]"sh[u^]n), n.


vb. (context transitive English) To assimilate again.

Usage examples of "reassimilate".

Perhaps that was enough to explain why Stedman was so keen to Reassimilate it.

And General Stedman wants to reassimilate the continent peacefully before what remains devolves too far - or other nations dig their heels in and force us to fight.

The General hopes to have the west coast Reassimilated as well by 2100.

As, at least in neuroscience, the theoretical limitations of naive reductionism become increasingly apparent, and cold-war suspicions recede into history, the time is ripe for the autonomous Soviet tradition in neurophysiology and psychology to be reassimilated into a more integrated and Universalists neuroscience.

Developmentalists from Loevinger to Kohlberg to Piaget have long pointed out that every stage involves various types of reworkings of previous patterns, taken up, enfolded, and reassimilated into the new structures.

There is, it says, one infinite Being, and all finite spirits are portions of his substance, existing a while as separate individuals, and then reassimilated into the general soul.

Three glorious weeks went by, at the end of which I had almost forgotten about Paris, so completely had I been reassimilated into the familiar routines of student life at Heidelberg.

The past, whether Renaissance Italy or ancient Egypt, is reassimilated and homogenized into its most digestible form.

PSI Police Director all these years when he assured me readjustment did no permanent damage to these people, that they were reassimilated into society with ease.

They could have reassimilated him and studied this thing called individuality.

They were flying all over the place, picking up bits of metal, reassimilating probes and .

As, at least in neuroscience, the theoretical limitations of naive reductionism become increasingly apparent, and cold-war suspicions recede into history, the time is ripe for the autonomous Soviet tradition in neurophysiology and psychology to be reassimilated into a more integrated and Universalists neuroscience.

Developmentalists from Loevinger to Kohlberg to Piaget have long pointed out that every stage involves various types of reworkings of previous patterns, taken up, enfolded, and reassimilated into the new structures.

As the temporal distortions here increase, the temporal signatures of the universes must be momentarily synchronized, allowing for vacant time-space to be briefly occupied by reassimilated energy.

And like all fragmented entities, once they attain unity, you recapitulated along the temporal axes and reassimilated every individual intellect that had ever lived during the developmental era.