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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reassessment \Re`as*sess"ment\ (r[=e]`[a^]s*s[e^]s"ment, n. A renewed or second assessment.


n. The act of reassessing; a second or subsequent assessment.


n. a new appraisal or evaluation [syn: reappraisal, revaluation, review]

Usage examples of "reassessment".

As one who was not involved in the reassessment, Landon reckoned that discovering the attraction St.

I tell you about the need for a continual reappraisal and reassessment of strategic alliances?

But Rumsfeld’s method—the constant questioning, interrogations and never-ending reassessments of reassessments—had already unearthed immense problems.

It is understandable that despite major strategic reassessments, current doctrine is still highly influenced by Cold War tactics and strategy and perhaps by the iron grip of the history of conflict since the early 19th century.