The Collaborative International Dictionary
Rear \Rear\, a. Being behind, or in the hindmost part; hindmost; as, the rear rank of a company.
Rear admiral, an officer in the navy, next in rank below a vice admiral and above a commodore. See Admiral.
Rear front (Mil.), the rear rank of a body of troops when faced about and standing in that position.
Rear guard (Mil.), the division of an army that marches in the rear of the main body to protect it; -- used also figuratively.
Rear line (Mil.), the line in the rear of an army.
Rear rank (Mil.), the rank or line of a body of troops which is in the rear, or last in order.
Rear sight (Firearms), the sight nearest the breech.
To bring up the rear, to come last or behind.
Usage examples of "rear line".
But Pompey, to save his credit and reputation with the world, drew out his legions, but so close to his camp, that his rear line might touch the rampart, and that his whole army, when drawn up, might be protected by the darts discharged from it.
Howard's flagship, the Ark Raleigh, with three other English ships, opened the engagement by running down along their rear line, firing into each galleon as they passed, then wearing round and repeating the manoeuvre.
They trotted over Bow Bridge and skirted the Ramble, approaching the rear line of the police defenses.
At a sign from Orsini, the front line of security guards dropped to one knee to give the rear line a clear line of fire.
Without being told, Paul went to free the rear line from the frost-slick bollard.
An instant later I saw a movement in the rear line of men and heard a shout of warning.
He caught a glimpse of Lieutenant Miles toward the end of the rear line.
He walked stolidly to the end of the rear line, and for the first time realized how surprisingly straight the formation of men were holding their lines, in spite of their dulled appearance.