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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ All this procured an extraordinary socio-#political realignment.
▪ It is simply this: The vote of 1996 will determine whether the country has undergone a fundamental political realignment.
▪ As in the Boer War, the issue of peace cut across class lines, opening the way to a political realignment.
▪ Most of the recent party-switchers have come from southern states, where political realignment in the post-Reagan era has been most dramatic.
▪ the realignment of broken bones
▪ Anyone seeking to include the Liberals in realignment on the left is not only misguided.
▪ But the chances of such a realignment happening seem slight.
▪ But this is a rolling realignment that started long before Haley Barbour was involved.
▪ Most of the recent party-switchers have come from southern states, where political realignment in the post-Reagan era has been most dramatic.
▪ The realignment of these societies was necessarily slow, their central value-systems resistant to change.
▪ Then too, the setting up of new structures forces institutional realignment and overhaul.
▪ They waste time negotiating for the realignment of hierarchical authority and the top management commitment of those who have it.
▪ With the benefit of hindsight it can be seen that the 1980 breakthrough for the Republicans did not herald a realignment.

n. The act of realigning or something realigned

Realignment (sports)

In North American sports, realignment refers to a major change in the competitive structure of one or more existing leagues. The mechanics differ somewhat between amateur and professional sports.


Realignment may refer to:

  • Public Safety Realignment initiative
  • Realigning election, especially in US history and political science
  • Realignment (sports)
  • Wheel alignment
  • Currency realignment

Usage examples of "realignment".

One push for realignment sent them drifting up the padded ladder toward the opposite cage.

The realignment of the Powers was definite and open now, and Spain, Italy, the Balkans, and Russia found themselves herded together, facing an ominous thunderhead on the north and west.

Quickly he reached down to give his genitals a thoughtful scratch and realignment through the loose folds of his faded blue galabieh.

He was aware of rapid shifts and realignments of stress patterns within his mind, of mental bulkheads slamming shut.

A victim of the demilitarization realignment programme, the Credit Crash, the Warming, nationalization, industrial collapse.

Only last shift Arbitrator Ranz from Realignment had hinted at this very possibility.

Add to this her lipo, her silicone, her trachea shave, her brow shave, her scalp advance, her forehead realignment, her rhino contouring to smooth her nose, her maxomilliary operations to shape her jaw.

We've done the trachea shave, the nose contouring, the jawline contouring, the forehead realignment .

The realignment of the Boreth's Klingon communications array took less than a minute.

We drove southwest across Fort Wyvern, through Dead Town, past the warehouses where I had confronted the kidnapper, switching off the headlights as we reached the Santa Rosita, down the access ramp along the levee wall, onto the dry riverbed, obeying not a single stop sign along the way, ignoring every posted speed limit, with a loaded shotgun in a moving vehicle, a concealed weapon in my shoulder holster even though I possessed no license to carry, a cooler of beer between my feet, trespassing in flagrant violation of the federal government's Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act, while holding numerous politically incorrect attitudes, of which a few might well be against the law.

There was the usual moment of disorientation as his stomach came up to meet his throat, and then the giddiness of a rotation and realignment of the ship in inertial space.

Baseball also tried expansion, interleague play, and radical realignment to bring the fans back, but it only slowed the slide.

She was amused and educated by the pairings, the shiftings and realignments that occurred during this period.

We've all seen what they can do-frictionless surfaces, differential permeabilities, realignment of molecular structures.

We’ve all seen what they can do-frictionless surfaces, differential permeabilities, realignment of molecular structures.