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n. (plural of readymade English)

Readymades (album)

Readymades is the tenth studio album by Chumbawamba. It continues the eclectic mix of techno, rock and folk of their former albums, albeit to a less ambitious scale than WYSIWYG. It also features vocal samples from contemporary and traditional folk artists, some of whom Chumbawamba would go on to work with in the future.

A special version of the album, Readymades And Then Some was released in 2003. It came with bonus track–peace anthem "Jacob's Ladder (Not in My Name)" and a bonus DVD.

The album's title refers to the use of everyday objects as art by Marcel Duchamp.

The album's artwork pays a homage to the I Have Nothing to Say And I'm Saying It poster designed by Alan Fletcher, which was in turn a self-portrait of German Dadaist John Heartfield (born Helmut Herzfelde).


Readymades may refer to:

  • Found objects
  • Readymades (album), an album by Chumbawamba