n. a program designed to teach literacy skills
Usage examples of "reading program".
Then she told me about your proposal for the Bridge Reading Program.
She asked Ben if he wanted to sign up for the summer reading program, and Ben said he did.
And, of course, one inviting kids to JOIN THE SUMMER READING PROGRAM.
We had a poll last summer, Sam -it was part of the annual Summer Reading Program.
Helaine talked about her children, her social conscience unit in the apartment, her personal reading program.
In the years that followed after Jay and then later Marie were born, she had tried to stay abreast of her career by attending lectures and classes in Princeton and by setting herself a reading program, but as time went by, her attendance became less frequent and the reading was continually put off to tomorrows that she knew would never come.
Reading Rangers is a summer reading program at the town library that Mom and Dad made me enroll in.