a. (obsolete spelling of ready English)
Usage examples of "readie".
Earely the morrow next, before that dayHis ioyous face did to the world reueale,They both vprose and tooke their readie wayVnto the Church, their prayers to appeale,With great deuotion, and with litle zeale:For the faire Damzell from the holy herseHer loue-sicke hart to other thoughts did steale.
So forth he came all in a cote of plate,Burnisht with bloudie rust, whiles on the greeneThe Briton Prince him readie did awayte,In glistering armes right goodly well beseene,That shone as bright, as doth the heauen sheene.
But now time drawing ny,To him assynd, her high beheast to doo,To the sea shore he gan his way apply,To weete if shipping readie he mote there descry.
The wretched man hearing her call for ayd,And readie seeing him with her to fly,In his disquiet mind was much dismayd:But when againe he backward cast his eye,And saw the wicked fire so furiouslyConsume his hart, and scorch his Idoles face,He was therewith distressed diuersly,Ne wist he how to turne, nor to what place.
Which when his other companie beheld,They to his succour ran with readie ayd:And finding him vnable once to weld,They reared him on horsebacke, and vpstayd,Till on his way they had him forth conuayd:And all the way with wondrous griefe of mynd,And shame, he shewd him selfe to be dismayd,More for the loue which he had left behynd,Then that which he had to Sir Paridel resynd.
Tho when as all things readie were aright,The Damzell was before the altar set,Being alreadie dead with fearefull fright.
Her snowy brest was bare to readie spoyleOf hungry eies, which n'ote therewith be fild,And yet through languour of her late sweet toyle,Few drops, more cleare then Nectar, forth distild,That like pure Orient perles adowne it trild,And her faire eyes sweet smyling in delight,Moystened their fierie beames, with which she thrildFraile harts, yet quenched not.