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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reactionary \Re*ac"tion*a*ry\, n.; pl. Reactionaries (-r[i^]z). One who favors reaction, or seeks to undo political progress or revolution.


n. (plural of reactionary English)

Usage examples of "reactionaries".

Chiang and the Kuomintang reactionaries thought they'd destroyed us a generation ago, but we made the Long March and kept fighting.

Some of the people they'd scooped up were Communists like Liu Han, others Kuomintang reactionaries, still others men and women of no particular party whom they'd seized more or less at random.

Homegrown reactionaries and foreign imperialists had tried to strangle the infant Soviet Union in its cradle.

All the same, I'm uneasy about the ammunition it offers the reactionaries, and the last poll I saw was .

Foreigners had to be ignorant reactionaries if they couldn’t appreciate the glorious achievements of the Soviet state and its promise to bring the benefits of scientflic socialism to all mankind.

At last, he said, “Compared to the little scaly devils, the reactionaries of the Kuomintang are progressive.

None is visible at this moment, and the reactionaries are tightening their grip everywhere.

All seems set for a big come-back by the reactionaries, and it almost begins to appear as though leaving Russia in the lurch were part of the manoeuvre.

They were reactionaries on the march, in the same way as the Reds in the failed uprisings in the CSA and Russia had been radicals on the march.