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vb. acquire again

Usage examples of "reacquire".

After detecting a target, a sub would race to a more advantageous position, stop to reacquire her prey, then dash again until a firing position had been achieved.

They had to reacquire on their own, without guidance from the ships which had launched them, and their onboard targeting systems were far less capable than the fire control of their motherships.

Another fifty or sixty lost lock initially, but managed to reacquire their targets or to find new ones, yet their need to quest for fresh victims delayed them, kicked them slightly behind the rest of the stream to make them easier point defense targets.

It had never even occurred to him that Kloss might not reacquire the ship!

Every time I took my eyes off him, it was more difficult to reacquire his image.

It snagged between his ankles, and he tripped over it, tried to untangle his feet from it, failed, and--waving his arms in futility to reacquire his balance--stumbled sideways.

Once they were otherside, the transport would reacquire them and bring them home, but this side they were left with only a minimal program to keep them from running into something.

Having given the creature its head, Kruppe now reacquires the facility of his own.

Three hundred of the survivors were penetration-aid EW platforms, without laser heads, and almost half the remaining twenty-nine hundred lost lock and reacquired not starships, but the nearer, more readily seen LACs.

MDMs lost their targets, reacquired, lost them again in the howling confusion.

Four helicopters were dropping sonobuoys in hope of reacquiring it, and a half-dozen sonars were pinging away, but so far it looked as though the submarine had evaded the angry escorts.

Having given the creature its head, Kruppe now reacquires the facility of his own.

His father's old butler - who was there with other reacquired servant - told me one day that Edward's occasional prowlings about the house, and especially down cellar, looked odd and unwholesome to him.

Or the shuttle could dump all its cargo, the pilots could assemble on board, and they could jump around until they reached a system where they could reacquire navigational data.

I had also reacquired land legs and the ground under me no longer had even the slightest rocking motion.