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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Only a fool would re-enact the drink-fuelled high speed car journey that killed Princess Diana.
▪ So then Hans Spemann sought to re-enact the principle that Loeb had demonstrated, this time with his favourite salamander embryos.
▪ This acting can range from pairs of students re-enacting a dialogue through to a simulation involving the whole class.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also reenact, 1670s, from re- "back, again" + enact. Originally of laws, etc.; meaning "to perform again, reproduce" is recorded from 1854. Related: Re-enacted; re-enacting.


vb. (alternative spelling of reenact English)

Usage examples of "re-enact".

But, to find a foe still dangerous, to re-enact the combat glories of the days not long ago when Prince Harivarman had been a hero to everyone on the Eight Worlds-and incidentally to show up the Templars, for having been in control of this place so long and still having left one of the enemy functional and deadly dangerous-yes, she could see how that might be attractive to him.

Hunters would re-enact the successful outcome of a hunt and would carry these energies into the everyday world.

We're going to re-enact a Liberty Bond rally, if that means anything to you.