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vb. (present participle of razor English)

Usage examples of "razoring".

Your hand is already extended, your gauntlet beam primed, and it takes only a flick of thought to send a horizontal thread of fire razoring toward the intruder.

It was art of the moment, art of opportunity, art of courage and terror and the blind razoring edge of things.

The mantis had turned its head toward them, and now began striding faster up the hillside, scythelike forearms extended, a vast machine of razoring clockwork.

We hovered in the empty space beneath the opening, but all around us in the darkness lurked razoring stone comers, knifelike edges, and deadly spikes.

Then, as she slashed at him with those razoring fingernails, the current spun him off to safety.

She bit down on his lip, sending an edge of lust razoring through his gut.