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Rayment is a surname of Old Norman or French origin. It originates from the given name Raymond.

Usage examples of "rayment".

And therewithall he brought forth a certaine young man cloathed in linnen rayment, having on his feet a paire of pantofiles, and his crowne shaven, who kissed his hands and knees, saying, O priest have mercy, have mercy I pray thee by the Celestiall Planets, by the Powers infernall, by the vertue of the naturall elements, by the silences of the night, by the building of Swallows nigh unto the towne Copton, by the increase of the floud Nilus, by the secret mysteries of Memphis, and by the instruments and trumpets of the Isle Pharos, have mercy I say, and call to life this dead body, and make that his eyes which he closed and shut, may be open and see.

William Rayment and Hanna Ingersoll told them that they lied because no one else could see the images.

And therewithall he brought forth a certaine young man cloathed in linnen rayment, having on his feet a paire of pantofiles, and his crowne shaven, who kissed his hands and knees, saying, O priest have mercy, have mercy I pray thee by the Celestiall Planets, by the Powers infernall, by the vertue of the naturall elements, by the silences of the night, by the building of Swallows nigh unto the towne Copton, by the increase of the floud Nilus, by the secret mysteries of Memphis, and by the instruments and trumpets of the Isle Pharos, have mercy I say, and call to life this dead body, and make that his eyes which he closed and shut, may be open and see.

The wyld woodgods arriued in the place,There find the virgin dolefull desolate,With ruffled rayments, and faire blubbred face,As her outrageous foe had left her late,And trembling yet through feare of former hate.

So trauelling, he chaunst far off to heedA Damzell, flying on a palfrey fastBefore two Knights, that after her did speedWith all their powre, and her full fiercely chastIn hope to haue her ouerhent at last:Yet fled she fast, and both them farre outwent,Carried with wings of feare, like fowle aghast,With locks all loose, and rayment all to rent.