Rayakuduru is a village which comes under Veeravasaram Mandal, West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India. During Kakatiya's ruling village initial name was SundaraPuram(it was derived from Lord sundareswara swamy i.e. from lingakar sivalingam) later it changed to Rayakuduru. The population of this village is more than 10,000. (As per 2001 census). The Goddess of the village is Mavullamma sisters. The main crops in this village are rice and fish. The area is around in 2000 hectares. At one time this village used to be a guest place for Raja sri krishna deve rayalu that is why this place was named as Rayal uduru which means rayal's nivas. Later this changed to Rayakuduru. In this village library established in the year of 1894 with the name of Sujanananda Crandhalayam.