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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ratable \Rat"a*ble\ (r[=a]t"[.a]*b'l), a.

  1. Capable of being rated, or set at a certain value.

    Twenty or[ae] were ratable to [at] two marks of silver.

  2. Liable to, or subjected by law to, taxation; as, ratable estate.

  3. Made at a proportionate rate; as, ratable payments. -- Rat"a*ble*ness, n. -- Rat"a*bly, adv.

Usage examples of "ratably".

As authorized by statute the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, finding that existing low field prices for gas were resulting in economic and physical waste, issued orders fixing a minimum price for natural gas and requiring the Cities Service Company to take gas ratably from another producer in the same field at the dictated price.

State where cotton gins are held to be public utilities and their rates regulated, the granting of a license to a cooperative association distributing profits ratably to members and nonmembers does not deny other persons operating gins equal protection when there is nothing in the laws to forbid them to distribute their net earnings among their patrons.