RanksTel is a Bangladeshi telecom company. It is a private public switched telephone network ( PSTN) operator in Bangladesh. As of December 2009, its subscriber base was 274,895. It is the nation's second largest PSTN operator.
Ranks Telecom Ltd is a member of Rangs Group.
RanksTel is one of the largest private sector investments in Bangladesh with an accumulated investment of BDT 200 cores. RanksTel holds PSTN and ISP licenses to operate nationwide. RanksTel has also been awarded with an International Gateway (IGW ) license to originate and terminate international voice traffic.
Ranks Telecom Ltd is registered with Registrar of Joint Stock Companies under Companies Act 1995 (Revised). Its slogan is "RanksTel a kotha Bolun, Desher taka deshe rakhun" .